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Thursday, June 26, 2008


MAA Takaful is a result of a strategic joint venture between MAA Holdings Berhad (MAAH) and Solidarity Company BSC (C) of Bahrain, one of the leading companies in the Arab world.

On 21 February 2006, a Joint Venture (JV) Agreement was signed with Solidarity, to form a JV company called MAA Takaful to carry on the Takaful business.

On 3 March 2006, Bank Negara Malaysia granted approval for a new Takaful licence for the joint venture of MAAH and Solidarity. On 2 May 2006, MAA Takaful was incorporated with a paid up capital of RM100 million and licensed on 1st July 2007 as a composite Takaful Operator. Today, MAA Takaful has an agency force of over 15,000.

MAAH holds 75% equity interest in MAA Takaful while Solidarity holds 25%.

MAAH is listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Its subsidiaries and associated companies are involved in general and life insurance businesses, including offshore and reinsurance businesses, hire purchase, leasing and other credit facilities, unit trust, property management, fund management and investment advisory, security and consultancy services and the operation of charitable dialysis centres. Over the years, MAAH has expanded its operations into Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand through MAA International Assurance Ltd, the offshore insurance arm of the Group.

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