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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Celcom tawar pelan perlindungan takaful

Celcom tawar pelan perlindungan takaful

Oct 10th, 2008 by Takaful

Sumber: Utusan Malaysia, 10hb Oktober 2008

Celcom (M) Bhd. (Celcom) menjadi syarikat telekomunikasi pertama yang menyediakan perkhidmatan perlindungan takaful kepada para pelanggannya dengan kadar bayaran premium RM3 bagi setiap suku tahun.

Bagi para pelanggan Celcom Blue pula, perkhidmatan itu diberikan percuma untuk tahun pertama.

Perkhidmatan tersebut dijalankan dengan kerjasama syarikat insurans, MAA Takaful Berhad.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Datuk Seri Shazalli Ramly berkata, tawaran berkenaan dibuka kepada semua pelanggan baru termasuk lapan juta pelanggannya sedia ada.

Jelasnya, perkhidmatan itu memberi jaminan perlindungan kepada semua golongan termasuk yang tidak berkemampuan, terutamanya para pelajar.

”Sebelum ini, kami pernah menawarkan perkhidmatan insurans kepada pelanggan tetapi untuk segmen takaful adalah merupakan kali pertama,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menandatangani perjanjian persefahaman (MoU) antara MAA Takaful dengan Celcom di sini hari ini.

Hadir pada majlis bagi mewakili MAA Takaful ialah Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Salim Majid Zain.

Celcom kini mencatatkan lapan juta pelanggan dengan enam juta daripadanya merupakan pelanggan prabayar.

Bagi melanggan perkhidmatan insurans berkenaan, para pelanggan baru boleh mengaktifkan talian terlebih dahulu sebelum menerima mesej pesanan ringkas (SMS) yang meminta supaya pendaftaran dilakukan.

Para pelanggan hanya diminta memasukkan nama dan nombor kad pengenalan masing-masing menerusi SMS berkenaan dan mereka yang berjaya mengaktifkan perlindungan takaful berkenaan tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat yang ditetapkan.

Nilai insurans untuk pelanggan pasca bayar adalah sebanyak RM38,000 manakala prabayar pula sebanyak RM18,000.

Ditanya mengenai kaedah tuntutan tersebut, Shazalli berkata, para pelanggan boleh memohon insurans secara langsung di mana-mana cawangan MAA Takaful.

Sementara itu, Salim Majid berkata, pelan hasil usahasama Celcom tersebut dijangka menyumbang kepada perolehan MAA Takaful sebanyak RM2 juta hingga RM3 juta untuk tempoh setahun selepas pelancarannya.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Investment strategy issues

Investment strategy issues

Source from

Investment strategy in a Takaful company will depend on the underlying risks and expectations

The development of an investment strategy for a Takaful company varies by the nature of the liability. Normally the funds supporting the Takaful risks are kept separate from the funds representing the savings of the Takaful participant. The investment strategy for the savings fund would be dependent on policyholder expectations as well as any requirement to fund future risk contribution from the fund. There could be several savings funds corresponding to varying policyholder needs.

In the Takaful (risk) fund the investment strategy (for assets) is heavily dependent on the underlying risks (liabilities). Asset liability management applies here as it does for traditional insurance companies.

However, there are differences in the available asset classes, and particular investment within an asset class. It is vital that objectives and long term strategy be set for each fund, with proper monitoring of results against objectives.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

MAA Takaful unveils all-cancer coverage

MAA Takaful unveils all-cancer coverage

Jul 29th, 2008 by Takaful

Source: The Star, 29th July 2008

MAA Takaful Bhd, the latest entrant into the takaful market, has launched what is believed to be the industry’s first standalone comprehensive cancer plan that covers all forms of cancer.

Called MAA Takaful CancerCare, the scheme offers benefits at both early and advanced stages of cancer.

Chief executive officer Salim Majid Zain said: “The plan is the first of its kind in the takaful industry. Apart from that, it is unique in that it pays out the benefits at the first stage of cancer for 10 gender-specific cancers to assist the policyholder in seeking the necessary treatment. These gender-specific cancers are common cancers.

“This day and age, no one can say for sure that cancer can be avoided. But with medical advances, it is possible to diagnose most forms of cancer early. That is why our focus is to ensure the survival of our policyholders.”

The company expected the product to rake in about RM10mil in contribution in the first year. In the first week of its launch, MAA Takaful managed to secure 138 cases (policies). The product was launched early this month.

According to Salim, treating cancer is expensive and the number of people dying from cancer is on the rise.

Worldwide every year, cancer strikes 11 million people, both adults and children, and six million die from it annually.

Salim said in Malaysia currently, about 45,000 people had been diagnosed with this deadly disease. Cancer is the second leading cause of death after heart disease in the country, he noted.

The plan provides a protection coverage from RM25,000 to RM500,000 and the contribution starts from as low as RM67 per year. CancerCare is available from birth up to age 65 and is renewable up to age 75.

The plan pays 25% extra on the total benefits should it be lung, prostate, colon, small intestine and nasopharyngeal cancer for male policyholders; and cervical, uterine, ovarian, breast and vagina cancer for female policyholders.

Moreover, an advance of 25% of the benefits would be paid if the person covered is diagnosed with the above even at the stage of Carcinoma in Situ (pre-cancer).

It provides a tax relief of up to RM3,000 and funeral expenses of RM10,000 is payable should the person covered dies prematurely.

CancerCare also offers 50% surplus sharing (if any) to participants (policyholders) if no claims are made.

On new products, Salim said: “We are developing capital-protected, endowment and medical plans. An innovative and specialised personal accident scheme is also in our list of products to be launched this year.”

Friday, July 11, 2008

Group Term Takaful (Basic Plan)

Group Term Takaful (Basic Plan)

1.) What is MAA Takaful Group Term Takaful?

This is basically an annual renewable family takaful product which is designed to provide protection for a group of people under one Master certificate.

Group Term Takaful responds upon death or total and permanent disablement from any cause, including illnesses, diseases and accidental causes.

2.) Why purchase Group Term Takaful?

There are a lot of reasons why you should purchase Group Term Takaful:

• It enhances morale and promotes loyalty of employees or members.
• The cost is lower compared to having to cover the group of people individually as it lessens the administration work associated with Group Term Takaful.
• It helps to attract and retain employees or members.
• It provides high protection covers to key personnel in the organisation or ‘privilege’ members at relatively low cost.
• Contribution paid may be treated as an expense for tax deduction purpose

3.) What does MAA Takaful – Group Term Takaful offer?

It offers the following coverage:

• Death Benefit
- A total of sum covered will be payable in one lump sum to Grantee in the event of a death of the participant within the term of the certificate.

• Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Benefit
- A total of sum covered will be payable in one lump sum to Grantee in the event of a death of the participant within the term of the certificate.

Coverage is also extended to the following with an additional of contribution:
• Group Critical Illness

4.) How to participate in this Plan?

• Minimum Applicants : 5

• Age Requirements
• Minimum Entry Age : 16 years old
• Maximum Age : 69 years old and renewable annually, up to age 70

• Types of group Applicants:
• Employees of an organisation
• Members of an association, club or union
• The group of persons for whom the Takaful arrangement is constructed should have been formed for reasons other than the purchase of Takaful.

• Information Required:
• Company Name
• Nature of Company/Association/Club Business
• Name of Staff / Members
• ID or I/C No
• Date of Birth
• Gender
• Sum Covered either by:

a) Salaries

For example: two times salary. Say, last drawn salary is RM3, 228. If we apply two times salary as computation, then:
Sum Covered:

RM3, 228 x 2

= RM6, 456
Final Sum Covered:

= RM7, 000

(after rounding to the next RM1, 000)

b) Flat amount or Fixed Salary

For example: everyone gets a flat sum covered of RM50, 000.

C) Class

For example:
Class 1 (CEO):

One (1) times salary to a maximum of RM300,000
Class 2 (management staff):

Times salary to a maximum of
Class 3 (all others):

Flat at RM50,000

Note: Quotations were based on the proposal data submitted to MAA Takaful Berhad. Final contribution rates will be determined on the basis of actual composition of the group persons who become covered under the plan.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Info Ringkas Tentang Cemerlang Agency

Pada malam selase iaitu pukul 9.15pm , kami berksmptn untuk mengikuti kelas yg di anjurkan oleh En Zul, iatu CC cemerlang agency untuk kumpulan dibwah agency beliau. Setiap Selase malam kami dijadualkan mengikuti kelas bimbingan beliau di head quarters MAA HOLDING SDN BHD di Jalan Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka. Menerusi kelas ini kami akn diberi bimbingan bagaimana untuk menjadi seorang financial consultant yg berjaye dan cemerlang dalam MAA ini.Untuk maklumn En. Zul sudah berkecimpung dlm MAA dri thn 1995 sehingga sekarang. Di khabrkn oleh rakan2 yg En Zul sekrang income sudah mencecah RM100k sebulan. Untuk maklumn tambahan. En Zul adalah pengasas Cemerlang Agency yg bertapak di Nogori ini menerima award MAA NO 1 AGENCY AWARD dari tahun 2005 hingga ke hari ni. Rekod yg amat2 membanggakan. Org Melayu Islam kite ni....beliau merupekan lepasan ijazah dari UPM dan kini telah berkecimpung secara full time dlm bidang insurans........Orang lame ni...haha.....insyallah kami akan mengikuti jejak langkah belaiu tidak lame lagi..Insya ALLAH....
kami diberi target untuk berincome 5 angke dlm mase 5 thn dr skrng.insyallah....

Sy telah dibawa masuk dlm industri ini oleh shbt sy saudara Firdaus a.k.a Abot (same2 org kuat dlm MLM dulu...heheh) dan dengan bimbingn org lame and OTAI kami iaitu abang Maktom Osman. Beliau merupakan seorang pesara tentera dan sekarang sudah berpangkat Managing Consultant dlm MAA. Sekarang bergiat secara full time dan memberi bimbingan kepada kami semua.

Ini adalah serba ringkas mengenai cemerlang agency. Sepatutnya topik ini sy postkan di post yg terdahulu tapi terlupe list i have explain already about the cemerlang agency.......

Thank you...


ok untuk post kali just nk berkongsi idea ttg kenape kite perlukn insuran hari ini juge??

sepanjang hidup kite contohnye dr umor 25thun ke umor 55thun(had umor pencen).....macam2 perstiwa dan aktiviti berlaku dlm hidup kite.... tapi bagaimane dgn status kewangan kite? ada kah kite hidup dlm keaadaan yg baik penuh dgn ceria n warne warni....
bgi kebanyakan kite x semua org berpeluang idup dlm keadaan begitu....
maka kite perlulah bermula dgn perkara penting iaitu perlindungan......
dlm perjalanan idup kite kite akn berdepn dgn risiko kematian, lumpuh, hilang upaya, sakit demam dsbg oleh sebab itu lah kite memerlukan insurans/perlindungan untuk diri kite dan juge anak2 kite sebagi persiapan untuk menempuh hari yg malang.....

so itu serba sedikt ttg mengapa kite perlukan insurans hari ini juge.....
persiapan adalah penting untuk mengelakkan kesulitan

Salam perkenalan!!!!!

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera.....

Salam perkenalan untuk semua.......

Saya Muzri dari cemerlang agency....

Untuk pengetahuan kami bernaung di bawah Syarikat insurans yang terkemuka di Malaysia iaitu MAA Holding Berhad (

Sebagai mukadimah....saya ingin mengutarakan 2 soalan iaitu:-

1) Apa itu insurans/takaful?

2) Kenapa kita perlu insurans/takaful hari ini juga??

Saya akn memberi penerangan di post yg akan dtg....

Sekian untuk kali ini....

Thursday, June 26, 2008


MAA Takaful is a result of a strategic joint venture between MAA Holdings Berhad (MAAH) and Solidarity Company BSC (C) of Bahrain, one of the leading companies in the Arab world.

On 21 February 2006, a Joint Venture (JV) Agreement was signed with Solidarity, to form a JV company called MAA Takaful to carry on the Takaful business.

On 3 March 2006, Bank Negara Malaysia granted approval for a new Takaful licence for the joint venture of MAAH and Solidarity. On 2 May 2006, MAA Takaful was incorporated with a paid up capital of RM100 million and licensed on 1st July 2007 as a composite Takaful Operator. Today, MAA Takaful has an agency force of over 15,000.

MAAH holds 75% equity interest in MAA Takaful while Solidarity holds 25%.

MAAH is listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. Its subsidiaries and associated companies are involved in general and life insurance businesses, including offshore and reinsurance businesses, hire purchase, leasing and other credit facilities, unit trust, property management, fund management and investment advisory, security and consultancy services and the operation of charitable dialysis centres. Over the years, MAAH has expanded its operations into Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand through MAA International Assurance Ltd, the offshore insurance arm of the Group.